Toronto Stamp

120 Midwest Road, Toronto, Canada, M1P 3B2
Phone: 416-368-7022. Fax: 416-368-2478. E-mail:

Which type of Steel Hand Stamp is best suited to my application?

One of our most popular marking solutions is the hand stamp. Steel hand stamps are versatile and long lasting, made from a special grade of tool steel to resist spalling and mushrooming. Steel hand stamps also allow for a wide range of design options and can be custom made to satisfy almost any part marking requirement. With so many options available, it can be hard to choose the right kind of hand stamp for your project.
Some of the basic kinds of steel hand stamps are:
Sharp Face Gothic Steel Hand Stamps.
Stress-Less Dot or Full Character- These Steel Hand Stamps are ideal for low stress marking and can be made with either round face full Gothic characters or round face dot Gothic characters.
Border Stamps - The customizable text of the stamp, in sharp face Gothic text, is contained within a border.
452 Font - These steel hand stamps are designed so each character is unique and can be identified from only the top or bottom of the character. They are typically 0-9, but A-Z is also available.
Reverse Character - Designed for stamping moulds or forging dies, these steel hand stamps have characters reading right.
Custom Stamps- Custom stamps are one of the reasons why hand stamps are so popular. Custom steel hand stamps can be designed with simple or complex arrangements of text or logos. Custom hand stamps also offer the versatility of a wide range of sizes, from tiny jewelry stamps to large stamps used in industrial settings.
CAUTION: Wear safety goggles/eye protection whenever using a hammer and marking with hand stamps.